So today let us talk about the topic which has been in deliberate speculations now a days. Not only this, it has also became the screensaver headline of many news channels. So if you guys want to know about the Farm bills,2020 in detail this is the right place.



This bill was introduced in Parliament as an ordinance on 5th June 2020, which got approved by the President of INDIA and then became a bill on 17th September after it got passed in the Lok sabha. Right after that union cabinet minister resigned and there had been wide spread speculations & protest all over the country specially  in the Punjab Haryana region, alongside international pressure from all round the globe .

And form the past few months this has been the most burning topic & talk of the hour.

So let’s see how & why

So here I would not keep my opinions, rather I would explain you both the positive and negative aspects of the bill & let you people to decide and frame your own opinion.





It promotes free flow of the agriculture produce across different states of INDIA.

Now the farmers can sell their produce at any other state or city where they are getting higher prices.



There was never any barrier on the farmers on selling there produce across the borders, but the main problem was storage and transportation facilities so it hardly makes any sense or provide any kind of favor to the farmers.




·       In APMC’s the middle man use to exploit farmers from decades so in order to prevent them this bill is introduced and it is in the best interest of the farmers.

·       Now the farmers won’t be exploited by the middlemen.

·       Now farmers can sell their produce outside the APMC’s also, where they would get higher prices for it.

·       It would let them to sell their produce to institutional buyers and large private players directly.

·       This would eradicate middlemen from the system.

·       Which would ultimately ensure higher price for their produce



·       The buying of agricultural produce outside the APMC’s are made so convenient, attractive & profitable that no institutional buyer would prefer going to mandi.

·       As they are exempted from paying many types of tax like mandi tax etc.

·       And outside the APMC’s there is no such assurance that farmers would get MSP and won’t be exploited.

·       APMC’s are regulated by the govt. but the outside market is the slave of market forces which is mainly profit based, so there would be no one to look after if the farmers are being exploited.

·       Contract farming was already implemented in western countries and it proved to be a great failure.

·       Even in countries like USA where subsidies are so high contract farming model didn’t prove fruitful for farmers.

·       The private players have marketing experts , trend analysts and other experts on the other hand the innocent farmers don’t have access to any of them.

·       So ultimately the farmers have to agree upon prices that the companies put up unaware of the fact that how the market is going to behave after few months or at the time of harvesting.

·       So in such cases two possibilities are there first: the prices upon which the farmers have agreed to sell their produce might go down at the time of harvesting but still the farmers would get the same price upon which they have signed the contract.                                                                                                      

2nd : the market may prosper and the prices of the commodities go higher that the pre agreed(contract) price and then farmers would get less money that what they would have got if they have sold their produce locally.

So the probability of both the cases is 1:1 so how the govt. can claim that this bill is useful?

·       The next major fear that is in the mind of the farmers is the failure of delivering the quantity promised which would then result in seizing up or taking up of their land by the private companies .

·       The farmers will be made bonded labor in their own land.

·       The govt. is promoting privatization and pushing INDIA back to British Era.

·       Most of the farmers in INDIA i.e. 85% are small farmers (owing ≤ 2 hectare land) and dealing directly with the large private players and institutional buyer would decrease their bargaining power.






·       This bill will ensure continuous flow of essential commodities in the market at the time of natural calamities, war, emergency or any such extraordinary situation.

·       Hoarding beyond the notice of govt. is also made legal to ensure the same.

·       Hoarding is made legal but only in certain conditions and under certain clauses.



·       Hoarding has been made legal which will lead to creation of Artificial Price fluctuation in the market.

·       Hoarding under any situation, beyond govt’s notice and control is harmful for the country & the common people as well.

----------Thank you--------

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